10 December, 2009

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Worry

Do you worry about what other people think about you? Do you go over and over in your mind a
conversation that you have had and worry that you said the wrong thing. Do you feel stupid,
worthless and hate yourself at times? Then you need help today to address your confidence and
lack of self-esteem issues.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Yes, it is totally true. Why give people the power to make you feel bad? It is your power and you
should be using it to make yourself feel good and believe in yourself. Stop today and decide to
get your power back.
To do this you have to start by realizing and accepting some basic truths. 1. Lacking confidence is really and truly all in your mind. Believe me.
2. People are more interested in themselves and their own lives than they are in you. They
have not got the time or the inclination to give you a second thought.
3. Most people do not dwell on what people think of them so why should you?
4. The more you think in a negative frame of mind the worse the whole situation will
become. The opposite is also true. Foster a positive frame of mind.
5. You need to be willing to make mistakes, as confidence comes not from always being
right but from not being scared to be wrong.
6. Start to believe in yourself and people will start to believe in you too. This can build on
itself because when people start to believe in you then you believe in yourself more and so on.
7. Remember a time when you did feel confident and successful. Bring it to mind and relive
how good it felt.
8. Try to lighten up a little and stop taking yourself so seriously. Worrying about your
lack of confidence will make you miserable.
9. Pretend that you are confident. Yes, fake it until you make it.
10. A clear vision backed by specific plans will give you a wonderful feeling of personal
power and confidence.